Reading Workshop
We have finished our Poetry unit! During this unit, students learned how reading poetry is different than reading a book.
Students also used the Nearpod app on the iPads to learn more about the elements of different poems. They looked for rhyming words, stanzas, descriptive words, and repeating words and patterns.
The kindergarteners also learned how to make personal connections when reading poetry. Text-to-Self connections are when the reader connects what he/she has read to something in his/her own life. Text-to-Text connections are when a reader connects what he/she has read to another poem or book. I was quite impressed with the connections being shared in class!
Students also continue to use RAZ Kids to help practice their just-right reading. Many of you are using this program at home too, which is great to see! If you need another copy of the log-in information, please be sure to let me know. Next week, we will be beginning our Content Literacy unit. This unit ties into our current science unit on animals, plants, and people.
In math, we have been learning about a variety of concepts. Students have practiced their 2-D shapes, while learning about the 3-D shapes as well. They did a great job sorting spheres, cylinders, cones, and cubes.
We continue to work on adding two numbers together and writing our numbers correctly.
Using counters, students had a chance to solve a variety of comparison number stories. They did a great job of looking for the differences and being able to solve these challenging problems correctly.
We also learned about the concept of dividing groups in half. Students practiced making equal groups and showing their answer in a picture.
Writing Workshop
We have begun a new unit on informative writing! During this unit, students will learn about the different features of informative books. We looked at the differences between facts and opinions and students had a chance to write 3 facts about a topic they are an expert in. These lessons are helping to prepare the students for their first research project! Each student has chosen an animal that he/she is interested in learning more about. During the next several weeks, students will be researching this animal using the Pebble Go website. Their research will be used to write their very own informational book, complete with all of the nonfiction text features we have been learning about! We can't wait to share these books once they are finished!
Guest Readers
We were so lucky to have two ABC/25 Raffle Winners come into our classroom to read some of our favorite stories! These 4th graders were fabulous readers and we were so happy to have them join us!
Upcoming Events
Please be sure you are regularly checking your child's take home folder, as a few notes have gone home recently highlighting a few important dates coming up.
Friday, May 12: Kindergarten Musical at 10:25
ALL Kindergarten students attend morning kindergarten on this day. The three classes will perform together in the gym at 10:25. You will certainly not want to miss this adorable program! All parents, grandparents, and loved ones are invited. Younger siblings may also attend. After the performance, there will be light refreshments, and then you are welcome to come back to the classroom to see where we work each day. The morning ends at 11:50, however we are usually finished around 11:30. There will be sign out sheets near the main office, if you would like to take your child home early that day.
Friday, May 19: Let's Have Lunch 11:00-11:30
Kindergarten students will have a chance to have lunch in the Dryden lunchroom to get ready for 1st grade! A note was sent home this week with the information about ordering hot lunch for this day. Your child may also bring a lunch from home, if you prefer. We will be having lunch from 11-11:30 on this day, so our dismissal time will remain the same. Please be sure to return the note by Tuesday, May 9.
Friday, June 2: Field Day- ALL AFTERNOON
ALL Kindergarten students will attend school in the AFTERNOON this day. There will be NO morning kindergarten this day. All children at Dryden will participate in Field Day for the entire afternoon. This annual event takes place in the field and is coordinated by the PTA. The children participate in a variety of fun outdoor games and activities. Please be aware that there is NO bus service for morning kindergarten students on Field Day. Parents are responsible for transportation to and from school on this day. Reminders will be sent home as the date approaches.